Here are the answers to your most frequently asked questions
1How to add New Doctor from franchise panel?
To add new doctor account from franchise panel after logging, click on “Doctors” button at top menu and then select “Add New Doctor” button. Fill in necessary details of doctor such as doctor name, email, contact number, and other details and then submit the details.
2How to book allergy test online?
You can book allergy test online by selecting the test you want to get performed for your allergic reactions. You can get various types of allergy tests performed such as food allergy test, skin allergy test, Inhalant Allergy Test and many more.
3Can I become a franchise user of Shree Allergy Cure Testing Lab?
You can become franchise user of ACTL by contacting us at provided email address or phone number. We shall create your franchise account from our end.
4How can a franchise user view payments details from franchise panel?
To view payment details from franchise panel, login to your account and click on "Payments" tab in menu bar. All the details of payment related to payments will appear.
5How orders can be placed by franchises?
Franchise users can place orders for medikits. by clicking "Place Orders" button at home-page of their franchise panel. After that, select medikit for which order is to be placed along with patient name.